Catching with the opposite hand

Catching with the opposite hand

10/26/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Catching with the opposite hand

The video features USPTA Professional Otis Sadler demonstrating a drill players can use to improve their preparation and positioning for an overhead shot. He explains how practicing catching the ball with the opposite hand when getting ready to hit the overhead puts a player in the proper position for hitting the shot.


How many times have you witnessed some of your players having difficulty hitting overheads because their bodies and shoulders were facing the net? Or perhaps you have seen them fail to keep the nondominant hand pointing up at the ball?

This week’s tip features USPTA Professional Otis Sadler giving a tip about the use of the nondominant hand when hitting overheads. He suggests that the nondominant hand should point at the ball as if the player is trying to catch it. He adds that keeping the arm up ensures that the body remains turned, the head is up with the eyes on the ball, and the player’s weight is on the back foot, ready to transfer forward into the shot. All of these details help create a well-balanced upper body position for hitting a successful overhead.

Go try these tips with your players in your next practice!

To watch more videos on overhead, visit To access these resources type the word “overhead” into the Quick Search field or choose the Advanced Search, which gives you the option to select a predesigned category for overhead. The search should bring up a variety of resources featuring some of the best coaches. Enjoy!

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