Environmental – Junior Player Social Environment

Environmental – Junior Player Social Environment

11/16/2010 | Written by: uspta

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Environmental – Junior Player Social Environment

Jim Parker explains in this interview how a junior player’s social environment can affect his or her play.

Even though a tennis player’s environment might not seem as important as it relates to competition, outside factors and issues unrelated to the game of tennis certainly play a significant role in how a player performs on the court. Outside factors include the player’s social, personal and home life.

As a player develops his game, the presence of peers who are also developing their games at the same level is important because not only does it provide a motivating factor for that player, but it also brings in the positive subcomponent of fun because he or she is playing the game with friends. Therefore, social relationships play a significant role in supporting a player and determining how long he participates in the sport.

Whether there are problems going on at home or in the player’s social life, environmental issues can create mental distractions.

In order to decrease the impact of these issues on a player’s game, it is important for coaches to know about potential environmental issues and keep the player focused on the court. To gain a better understanding of this aspect of the game, visit and enter the word “Social” or “Environment” into the Quick Search field. There, you will find a number of videos featuring one-on-one interviews with top teaching professionals as they address the issue of how a player’s environment outside of tennis can affect his or her game.

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