Turn the door knob

Turn the door knob

01/11/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Turn the door knob

Get a better forehand topspin by improving your racquet head acceleration with this drill presented by USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci.


Since last week’s tip talked about spins, this week we will emphasize the topspin – the type of spin that is generated by a low to high racquet path, causing the ball to arc over the net and drop into the court with forward spin. It is the preferred spin used by most players because it allows them to hit deep, heavy groundstrokes and still keep the ball in the court.

USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci presents one of his favorite drills that works on developing and improving topspin.

Check out this drill and try it with your players in your next practice! Make the drill scalable by adjusting the feeds according to the player’s level!

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