

01/18/2012 | Written by: uspta

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USPTA Master Professional Luis Mediero defines the patterns of play and explains that the most important thing is for the player to understand his pattern of play and have a clear picture of what he needs to do.


This week’s focus is on patterns of play and their importance to a player’s success. To define patterns we could say they are combinations of shots and shot sequences utilized during a point that emphasize a player’s strengths and exploit the opponent’s weaknesses. Simply stated, a player’s goal should be to hit his best shot more often and force the opponent to play his worst shot more often. At the same time, a player must be prepared to respond to a variety of different patterns and tactics that the opponent might choose to mix in, even if the shots may not fall within the player’s preferred game style.

Watch USPTA Master Professional Luis Mediero from Spain discuss his views on patterns. He explains why it is important for players to understand their own style of play, their preferred patterns and how these can improve tactics.

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