Tactical components

Tactical components

01/25/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Tactical components

The video features USPTA Professional Brett Hobden explaining how a coach can train a player to successfully incorporate all of the tactical subcomponents in a match.


This week’s tip features USPTA Professional Brett Hobden talking about tactical components and how a coach can train a player to successfully incorporate all of the components during a match.

Hobden recommends making practice sessions closely reflect the situations encountered during match play. Since every opponent is different, players need to be prepared to play against any type of game style, a left-hander versus a right-hander, a one-hander versus a two-hander, and on different court surfaces. They also must understand how to respond and tweak their tactics to each and every situation.

Practice should include scoring and pressure situations, so players are familiar with the competitive atmosphere and are not intimidated when it comes to match play.

Watch more videos on tactics at Simply type “tactics” into the Quick Search field or choose particular categories under the Advanced Search. You can click on “General performance components,” then click on “Tactical” and browse through all the tactical subcomponents. Various resources featuring some of the world’s best coaches will match your search! Expand your knowledge and have fun!

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