Crack the whip

Crack the whip

04/11/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Crack the whip

Check out one of Rick Macci’s serving drills that focuses on racquet speed. Use a continental grip near the butt cap of the racquet, relax the forearm and maintain a good upper body posture.


This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci with a drill that works on improving racquet speed on the serve. In order to isolate the lower body, Macci has the player start on his knees and imagine that he is in a cylinder. The player is instructed to use a continental grip with a relaxed forearm, rotate the upper body, and use an explosive up-and-out motion of the arm/hand/racquet (as if cracking a whip) while maintaining good upper body balance to avoid unnecessary movement.

The purpose of this drill is to use correct technique to improve racquet speed and not worry so much if the ball goes in. Go out and try it with your players in your next practice!

Watch more videos on the serve at Simply type “serve” into the Quick Search field and a variety of resources should come up. You can also choose the Advanced Search, click on “Specific Shots” and choose “Serve” for more detailed results. Have fun while learning from the top teaching professionals!

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