Keeping the racquet eye level

Keeping the racquet eye level

05/16/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Keeping the racquet eye level

This video features Master Professional Rick Macci with a tip on the volley. He emphasizes keeping the racquet at eye level when executing a volley. He explains that players should bend to the level of the ball using their knees, as demonstrated here.


You probably recall those times throughout your students ‘practices when you told them to bend their knees when hitting those volleys, but they were bowing instead? Their legs remained pretty straight and they tried to compensate by leaning forward with their bodies? Does this sound familiar?

Maintaining a good posture throughout the preparation and hitting phases, by keeping your shoulders and back relatively straight while getting low with the knees are key points in hitting successful volleys. USPTA Professional Rick Macci talks about how players should keep the racquet at eye level while bending their knees. By doing so, they will have a low position, avoid bowing and the weight transfer will be more dynamic and explosive toward the ball.

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