Tasks of the legs

Tasks of the legs

05/30/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Tasks of the legs

Check out this video featuring USPTA Master Professional Lorenzo Beltrame explaining the role of the legs during tennis play.


Even though tennis is a racquet sport, the lower part of the body plays a critical role in executing the shots and succeeding at the game. Regardless of how talented you are at using your racquet, if you don’t get to the ball, you can’t hit it. It’s as simple as that!

This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Lorenzo Beltrame talking about the role of the legs during tennis play, which includes: helping you maintain balance, helping you get to the ball and keeping you balanced when you run. Also, the legs are the first link of the kinetic chain and they produce the energy needed to hit the ball with pace. Last, but not least, the legs help you regain balance after contact and assist in recovery.

Emphasize this aspect of the game with your students! Have them work hard with their feet and understand the benefits of having great footwork and movement!

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