Physical trainer

Physical trainer

06/06/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Physical trainer

The video features USPTA Professional Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., explaining why it is important for tennis coaches to have a physical trainer work with a player.


Tennis is a wonderful game, but as in a lot of other sports, injuries and other medical problems are not uncommon. Besides teaching the game, it’s important for tennis coaches to be knowledgeable in additional areas such as strength and conditioning, flexibility, nutrition and medical issues related to the game in order to better prepare their students and understand their needs when it comes to playing. Consulting with a physical therapist, strength and conditioning specialist, athletic trainer or a physician is also extremely helpful. They specialize in these fields and are able to assist in keeping track of a player’s improvement, strengths and weaknesses, pre-existing surgeries and possible limitations, explains USPTA Professional, Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

Check out his video and hear what he has to say!

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