Volleys – The distance between the body and ball

Volleys – The distance between the body and ball

07/05/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Volleys – The distance between the body and ball

The video features USPTA Professional Brett Hobden, discussing and demonstrating the proper distance from the body for an incoming ball when contact is made on high, medium and low volleys.


Do your players have trouble misjudging the incoming ball when hitting volleys? Are there times when you see them position themselves too close or too far from the ball? Do they tend to have the same approach to all of the incoming balls when they are at the net?

In this week’s tip, USPTA Professional Brett Hobden discusses the proper distance between the body and the ball when hitting volleys. He explains that the higher the ball, the farther away from the body the contact must be. Check out what he has to say as he demonstrates the low, medium and high volleys.

Watch more videos on volleys at Simply enter the term “volley” into the “Quick Search” or choose the “Advanced Search,” click on “Specific shots” and then “Volley.” You will find a large number of videos, articles and drills that will provide ideas for your next practices. Enjoy!

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