

07/18/2012 | Written by: uspta

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The video features Master Professionals Jim Loehr and David T. Porter defining the mental subcomponent of self-esteem and describing its importance to a player’s game.


Self-esteem plays a significant role in a tennis player’s performance and success. It influences how well he or she handles all the ups and downs a match, tournament and even life has to offer. If the level of self-esteem is too low, it will negatively affect the player’s confidence, the belief that he can beat his opponent and his ability to produce a good tennis. Having a high level of self-esteem on the other hand, gives a player confidence and the right attitude to help bring out his best tennis in those critical situations.

Learn some of the ways to build self-esteem that will boost a player physically, emotionally and mentally from Master Profesionals Jim Loehr, Ed. D., and David T. Porter, Ed.D.

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