What to do in extreme heat

What to do in extreme heat

08/01/2012 | Written by: uspta

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What to do in extreme heat

The video features USPTA Master Professional Jack Groppel discussing important factors for a successful, competitive experience when playing in the heat as well as signs of heat illness.


As we all know practicing and playing matches during hot weather is very difficult. Being exposed to intense heat and/or humidity for several hours can seriously affect your body.

This week’s tip focuses on dealing with extreme heat and some things players and coaches can do to avoid heat illness and other side effects. Suggestions include: eating more carbohydrates such as grains, fruits, vegetables, staying hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, and considering and revising any medications you might be on and how they may affect your sweat loss under heat stress. Players should also use sun screen on all exposed skin and be aware of any signs that might indicate heat illness: headache, weakness, dizziness, irritability, apathy, nausea, confusion, muscle twinges or cramps.

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