Slice Backhand – Opposite arm

Slice Backhand – Opposite arm

08/08/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Slice Backhand – Opposite arm

The video features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci, explaining the role of the opposite arm when hitting a one-handed slice backhand.


How many times have you seen your players hitting a one-handed slice backhand without properly using their nondominant arm? Do they use the nondominant arm in the racquet take-back? Do the arms separate as the forward swing begins? Or maybe your students move the nondominant arm toward the ball instead of pushing it back as contact is made? Do they open up their shoulders too quickly instead of remaining sideways longer?

Teach your players how to benefit from using the nondominant arm correctly when hitting a one-handed slice backhand. Check out this week’s tip, which discusses the role of the nondominant arm when hitting a one-handed slice backhand. Learn why it is important for balance and how it can help players execute a successful slice.

Watch more related videos at Type “slice” into the Quick Search field, or use the Advanced Search for a more detailed search. Click on “Specific shots,” followed by a click on “Backhand” and a final click on “Slice.” Browse through our tennis library and try the useful resources!

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