Kinetic chain on the serve

Kinetic chain on the serve

08/15/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Kinetic chain on the serve

The video features USPTA Professional Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., explaining the importance of the kinetic chain on the serve.


We all know that the serve is one of the most important shots in tennis. If we don’t get the serve in, we can’t start the point. Or if our serve is not effective enough, we can easily get hurt on the return. A very common reason for poor execution of the serve is a disconnection in the kinetic chain. So what is the kinetic chain?

The kinetic chain means that the main body parts work together as a link in order to generate and deliver the energy into the shot. The link starts from the ground up with the legs, hips, core, shoulder, arm and hand. The serve is a whole body action and every part has to flow into the next part to achieve a smooth execution.

Check out this week’s tip on the kinetic chain!

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