Getting in the zone

Getting in the zone

09/19/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Getting in the zone

World No. 1 doubles player Liezel Huber talks about the importance of concentration, and what it means to be in the zone when playing tennis.


We have all heard the expression, being “in the zone” – when a player is totally focused, fully engaged in his performance and performs at the highest level. But how does one get to be in the zone? Can you prepare for it? What does it take?

No. 1 WTA doubles player Liezel Huber shares her view on what can help you get in the zone. She emphasizes that focus needs to be on the things we can control, such as how hard we practice, what we eat, our fitness level and with whom we surround ourselves. All these things will strongly influence the level of our in the zone performance.

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