Playing lobbers

Playing lobbers

10/17/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Playing lobbers

Check out this week’s video featuring USPTA Professional Brett Hobden talking about what to do in doubles when the opponents keep lobbing you when you come to the net.


Do you like playing doubles? Do you like coming in and being aggressive at the net? If you do, then you probably look for every opportunity to come in. And, you’ve probably encountered opponents who figured out your tactic and try to lob you every time you do. What else can you do with your approach shot besides hitting it deep to avoid getting lobbed by your opponent?

This week’s tip features USPTA Professional Brett Hobden explaining how a player can change his or her tactics when consistently lobbed off the deep approach shot. He suggests that one of the options is using a drop-shot approach shot to draw the opponent in and avoid a winning lob shot.

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