Serve placement

Serve placement

10/31/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Serve placement

Slice serves, kick serves, spin or flat serves? To the middle, into the body, or wide? Learn why it’s important to have variety on the serve from USPTA Professional and former ATP player Hank Pfister.


As Hank Pfister, USPTA Professional and former ATP player, says, variety on the serve is key for successful serve-and-volley play. If you become too predictable, the opponent will have an easy time adjusting to your serves. The key is to keep him guessing and off balance to avoid big returns, and be able to take charge at the net off of his return.

Check out this week’s tip with Pfister discussing the different types of serves, placement and other tactical tips for a successful serve-and-volley play.

Watch more videos at Simply type “serve and volley” into the Quick Search box or choose the Advanced Search and click on “Serve and volley” under the “Specific shots” category. Watch more tips, drills and lessons featuring some of the world’s top teaching professionals.

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