Are you really training for tennis-specific endurance?

Are you really training for tennis-specific endurance?

06/29/2010 | Written by: uspta

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Are you really training for tennis-specific endurance?

In this article, Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., explains that training for tennis is very complex and requires a well-structured endurance-training program. He mentions that it is important to train the metabolic energy systems that dominate during match play and advises coaches to follow training programs that are tennis-specific.

Competitive tennis requires players to compete in many matches that last longer than two hours and also involves short and intense bouts of exertion combined with brief rest periods. Training for tennis is complex and it requires a committed coach to plan and implement a structured endurance-training program based on an athlete’s physiology, playing style and competitive level.

How tennis-specific is your training program?

Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., explains how to incorporate your current drills and movement patterns (both on- and off-court) into a scientifically and physiologically based tennis conditioning program.

At, you will find various audio seminars, articles and videos that address the specific training that tennis requires. Simply type the word “footwork” or “conditioning” into the Quick Search field and you will find a list of results related to your search. You may also choose the Advanced Search that will provide a more precise search on your topic. Choose the Physical component under the “General performance components” category and click on “Conditioning” or on any of the seven subcomponents that you may be interested in, and you will find a wide number of helpful resources.

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