Child Development
04/13/2010 | Written by: uspta
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Child Development
Video description: In the video clip “Child Development,” USPTA Professional and Little Tennis specialist Townsend Gilbert discusses how to build solid tennis skills in beginner children. He addresses gross and fine motor skills, tracking skills, racquet skills and other proficiencies that must be present to teach the game to young children. Gilbert also stresses the need for a positive and supportive home environment for children who are just starting to learn a new sport.
In tennis, as in any sport, future success is rooted in a solid foundation of mastering basic skills. For the majority of tennis players, this development begins at a very young age, sometimes as young as 3 or 4 years old. It is important for coaches to know which areas of skill development are the most critical for young players, so they can structure a sound practice schedule for both short- and long-term goals.
Through Little Tennis, children are able to develop motor, tracking, racquet and playing skills in progressions, all while having fun and enjoying the game. At, you can find a number of video clips, articles and audio seminars related to teaching young children.
Simply type the phrase “Little Tennis” into the Quick Search field on the home page, and you will see a list of results that includes short tips and full lessons from top teaching professionals discussing and demonstrating how to approach the development of young beginners.
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