

10/28/2013 | Written by: uspta

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Description: Do your players often choke during matches? Check out USPTA Professional Jim Loehr, Ed. D., discussing what players can do about choking and how to change their story into a positive one.


Everyone who has competed has experienced choking and we have definitely seen our players choke during their matches. The feelings of nervousness, pressure or insecurity can overwhelm a player’s performance and cause him or her to choke. Why does choking happen and what can we do about it? Most of the time, players’ self-talk or the story they’re telling themselves is what really gets them tense and unable to perform at their best under pressure. Players needs to understand that the thoughts they have regarding the event or performance can be modified, adjusted or controlled with appropriate mental practice. Check out this week’s video featuring world-known sports psychologist Jim Loehr, Ed. D.

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