

09/28/2011 | Written by: uspta

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The video features USPTA Master Professionals Jim Loehr, Jim Parker and Dave Porter defining and explaining concentration as a mental subcomponent.


As we all know, concentration plays a huge role in tennis. Lack of it leads to poor performance and bad losses. Concentration does not only imply channeling one’s mental focus but also the ability to control one’s emotions such as nervousness, anger, fear and so on.

Concentration is a player’s ability to control the direction and attention of his thoughts and focus on the primary task at hand. It involves narrowing one’s focus to his shots and other technical skills, tactical decisions as well as the ability to block out any surrounding distractions for an extended period of time, such as a long match or rally.

Learn more about concentration or any other mental subcomponent by visiting You will find a large number of videos and articles that can help you understand and expand your knowledge regarding the mental game. Simply enter “concentration” or any other term of your interest into the Quick Search field and a list of resources will come up. You can also choose the Advanced Search, by clicking on General performance components-Mental and then Concentration. Expand your horizons and learn more about the game you love!

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