Describe movement

Describe movement

09/13/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Describe movement

In this video interview clip, USPTA Master Professional Jack Groppel, Ph.D., describes and defines the technical subcomponent of movement in tennis.


The game of tennis requires many skills other than mastering the racquet. One of the most critical ones is movement. If you can’t get to the ball you cannot hit it. And even if you get to the ball but you are not properly balanced, you will still not be able to hit an effective shot. Great athletes are not only strong and fast, but they also are balanced and always seem to be moving effortlessly. They rarely appear awkward and almost always seem to be moving in the right direction.

Work with your players on developing effective movement, the proper use of footwork based on the situation, good balance and good upper body posture.

Watch more videos on movement at Simply type “movement” into the Quick Search field or choose the Advanced Search for more specific results. Click on General Performance Components, Physical and then Footwork and movement. The search should bring up a variety of resources featuring some of the world’s best tennis-teaching professionals.

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