Developing weapons

Developing weapons

10/06/2010 | Written by: uspta

Developing weapons
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Developing weapons

In this video interview, David T. Porter, Ed. D., discusses how the game of tennis has evolved over the years and how players today can learn to develop weapons that are effective in the modern game.

Tip:The game of tennis has developed from a game based on consistency to a game based on weapons. In today’s game, it is not enough to have only one weapon. A player needs multiple weapons in order to put the opponent in trouble before the situation is reversed.

Learning how to develop and hone weapons is a very important part of improving a player’s game. Weapons need to be used to hurt the opponent or even finish the point. Players should not base their game on waiting for the opponent’s mistake. They need to be able to win their points. Spend lots of time practicing your weapons until you feel like you own them, and then, you will feel confident using them during matches. has various resources that cover all the areas a player should develop. Simply go to and enter the word “weapons” or any other term you are interested in into the Quick Search field. You can also do a more complex search by clicking on the Advanced Search. There, you can find articles, video clips and audio seminars that address the subject of your interest.

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