Exercise for the contact stage of the serve

Exercise for the contact stage of the serve

02/01/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Exercise for the contact stage of the serve

Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CSCS and USPTA Professional, demonstrates an exercise that focuses on the contact point of the serve. The exercise works on serve explosion and full-arm extension while increasing total body explosiveness.


In this week’s tip we have Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CSCS and USPTA Professional, talking about the contact stage on the serve. He presents an exercise that will help improve and strengthen the explosive action prior to and when making contact on the serve.

The exercise utilizes a 3- to 4-pound medicine ball. The player starts into the loading position, which looks similar to a shot-put setup. The purpose is to explosively throw the ball while getting a full extension of the arm. It’s important to consider the position of both hips and shoulders (shoulder over shoulder and hip over hip) while keeping the head and eyes up, and the legs push into the ground for good explosive movement. The nondominant arm tucks in close to the body as the release is made. Kovacs recommends two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions.

Go out and try this drill with your competitive players!

This exercise should not be done without the supervision of a certified strength and conditioning trainer or a certified teaching professional who is knowledgeable about biomechanics and specific tennis training.

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