

03/21/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Check out this fun and competitive game that focuses on holding and breaking the serve as well as scoring under pressure, presented by Mark Bey, USPTA Professional.


This week’s tip features USPTA Professional Mark Bey presenting a competitive drill that emphasizes the importance of holding and breaking serve. Two players play a game and if the server wins it, he scores a touchdown. Football terminology is used for scoring to accentuate the importance of holding serve. The server earns a touchdown, a maximum of 9 points if the game is won at love (0), and earns a 6-point touchdown if the game goes to deuce (40-40).

The receiver can score points if he breaks serve: a maximum of 6 points for a love break moving down to 3 points for a break won at deuce.

Go out and try this fun drill with your players!

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