Hand-fed drill – Back and forth drill variations

Hand-fed drill – Back and forth drill variations

01/27/2014 | Written by: uspta

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OC54-04-Emilio_Sanchez-Hand_fed-Back_and_forth_drill_variations.mp4-thumb-1Hand-fed drill – Back and forth drill variations

Description: Check out four back-and-forth drill variations players can use to work on their footwork and movement. These drills are provided by the Sanchez-Casal Academy.


Many players spend a lot of time striking the ball back-and-forth, doing the same drills, perhaps working mostly on their favorite shots, but not emphasizing enough the areas that need improvement. Do your players need to move better and more efficiently? Do they strike the ball well, but are not as accurate with their placement, especially when they move up and back?

This week’s tip offers four drill variations that will help players improve their footwork and movement, balance, conditioning and ball placement. The contact point must be made out in front and above waist level while maintaining good balance. Take a look!

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