Introduce tracking skills

Introduce tracking skills

04/24/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Introduce tracking skills

In this interview, Brett Hobden discusses when to introduce tracking skills into a player’s development and training. According to Hobden, it should be one of the first skills taught to a new player.


How many times have you witnessed your students having trouble judging the incoming ball? Have you seen them positioning themselves either too close or too far from the ball? We see it all the time, especially at the beginner level.

Tracking skills, along with predicting and intercepting, are extremely important in tennis. A player needs to predict where the ball is going to be and when it’s going to be there. Groundstrokes in particular require players to predict where and how the ball will bounce, as well as intercept the ball in their optimum strike zone. For beginners, judging a ball’s bounce is one of the most difficult skills to learn.

This week’s tip features USPTA Professional Brett Hobden discussing the importance of tracking skills and why he thinks they should be among the first skills to be introduced to new players.

Check out what he has to say!

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