One-handed backhand volley

One-handed backhand volley

10/19/2011 | Written by: uspta

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One-handed backhand volley

The video features USPTA Professional Mark Bey providing tips on the one-handed backhand volley. See what he has in store!


The one-handed backhand volley is a challenging shot for some players. For this week’s tip we have USPTA Professional Mark Bey talking about the backhand volley technique. He explains that the early contact point should be aligned with the hitting shoulder, and the knuckles of the hitting hand should move toward the target. He also discusses the nondominant hand and how it should push backward as if the player is holding a cup of water in his hand.

Go out and try these tips with your players in the next practice!

Watch more videos on backhand volley at Simply type “backhand volley” into the Quick Search field or use the Advanced Search, clicking on “Specific shots” and then “Volley” to choose from the different volley categories. A variety of videos should match your search. Enjoy the browse!

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