Secrets of today’s serve – hit up and out

Secrets of today’s serve – hit up and out

05/17/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Secrets of today’s serve – hit up and out 

The video features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci, explaining the technical elements of the contact point for the serve.


The serve is the most critical shot in the game of tennis and the only one over which we have total control of its execution. The opponent has no input. However, if the serve does not go in, the point does not begin. On the other hand, if you get the serve in accurately and efficiently, you may ace your opponent and win the point.

This week’s tip emphasizes the contact technique for the serve. The hitting segment begins with the rotation of the hips, trunk and hitting shoulder, followed by a deceleration of the right hip (for right-hand players), transferring the energy to the shoulder and arm. The racquet then ascends on edge, allowing an optimal internal rotation of the shoulder and pronation of the forearm. When contact is made, the hitting side is in a full extension, continued with pronation of the forearm and outward roll of the wrist through impact. It’s important to stay relaxed and let the arm rotate naturally!

Learn more about the serving technique by visiting Simply enter the term “serve” into the Quick Search field or check the “serve” box under the Advanced Search, which allows you to filter your results. You will find several video clips featuring some of the world’s top teaching professionals offering their advice and drills on how to improve your serve!

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