Serve and volley – the split step

Serve and volley – the split step

07/16/2013 | Written by: uspta

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OC69_06_Hank_Pfister_Split_step.mp4-thumb-1Serve and volley – the split step

Description: Here is former top ATP player Hank Pfister talking about the split step when serving and volleying. Learn how, where, when and why to use the split step when coming in.


The split step is an important element when serving and volleying. It’s the small hop you take as your opponent strikes the ball that enables you to gather balance from your forward movement and head in any direction to intercept the ball with a volley. A few key points to a good split step include: good upper body posture facing the opponent, feet at least shoulder-width apart or wider for good balance, landing on the balls of the feet with knees bent and good timing. By timing the split step properly, you will reduce the chances of getting passed.

Check out former ATP player and USPTA Professional Hank Pfister with a few tips on the split step when serving and volleying.

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