Serve, approach and finish exercise

Serve, approach and finish exercise

12/29/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Serve, approach and finish exercise

USPTA Master Professional Emilio Sanchez Vicario simulates a point-play situation when the player is the server. The drill focuses on the player working his or her way to the net.


This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Emilio Sanchez Vicario presenting one of the drills he uses at his academy. The exercise focuses on the serve, approach shot and finishing at the net.

The player begins the drill with a serve and then moves in to take charge of the point with a forehand down the line or inside-out forehand. The shot needs to transition him to the net to then hit three volleys, one overhead and one last volley to finish the point.

The drill consists of seven balls and it can be used as a pattern of play. The player’s goal is to move into the court after the serve, take charge of the point and finish at the net. Vary the feeds according to your player’s level!

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