Slice backhand-contact point

Slice backhand-contact point

08/09/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Slice backhand-contact point

This video features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci explaining the importance of the contact point on the one-handed backhand. Explore the tips he has for you!


Today’s game is dominated by power, but the finesse shots should not be neglected. It is important to have them as part of your arsenal, for those difficult situations. Slice shots may be used for several reasons: changing the pace of the rally, returning serve, approach and also defense.

This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci talking about the contact point on the one-handed slice backhand. He explains that it is very common to see players let their racquet get ahead of their hand/wrist, resulting in a disconnect between how the arm and hand perform during the shot. The slice should be executed with firmness, yet feel, and should not be used for power, but for control.

Watch other related videos at We offer an extensive number of one-on-one video interviews featuring some of the world’s most accomplished tennis-teaching professionals speaking on various aspects of the game of tennis. To access these resources enter the word “slice” or any other subject of interest into the Quick Search field and a variety of clips will come up. If you select the Advanced Search, click on “Specific shots,” followed by “Backhand” and then “Slice” category. Enjoy!

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