Speed, agility and quickness

Speed, agility and quickness

11/22/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Speed, agility and quickness

The video features USPTA Master Professional Jack Groppel, Ph.D., offering his definition of speed, agility and quickness. He discusses the importance of the first step, explosiveness and recovery. Explore the tips he has for you!


Tennis is a game of movement that involves the interrelated components of speed, agility and quickness. Tennis players need to master these skills in order to perform at a high level.

This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Jack Groppel, Ph.D., talking about these important skills. He explains quickness as the first step. What’s important is to have an early start, an explosive first step. Speed is described as how fast players can cover those 4 to 7 meters to get to the ball after the first step. And agility implies the ability to change direction quickly while maintaining good balance and control. It’s about recovery and the ability to explode back into position for the next shot.

Speed, agility and quickness should be emphasized early in a tennis player’s development. Try incorporating different drills into your lessons that will help your students improve these athletic skills.

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