

02/09/2012 | Written by: uspta

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Jim Loehr, Ed.D., and USPTA Master Professional, defines the mental subcomponent of sportsmanship, explains why it is important for a player to develop good sportsmanship and describes the kind of effect it has on a player.


Good sportsmanship is all about the character and conduct of a player who reacts graciously during competition. It is important to show good sportsmanship in both victory and defeat. This means sincerely congratulating an opponent when he has won the match and not gloating or acting pompously toward an opponent when you have won a match.

Good sportsmanship is a quality that carries over from life to the tennis court. Bad sportsmanship can often be traced back to a high level of pressure to perform well. Jim Loehr, Ed.D., explains that sometimes the reason some young players succumb to cheating and unsportsmanlike conduct is pressure from the parents. It is up to the coaches, he says, to do their best to instill positive values in their players so they can learn to counter such pressures.

Sport is an opportunity to build character, respect for others, for the opponent, and learn how to deal with unfair situations. We, as coaches, have the duty to teach our players to be the best they can be, both in tennis and life. Emphasizing character over and above winning will do an invaluable service to a player and to his game. The behavior on the tennis court will reflect how he will behave in society.

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