The backhand: two-handed, one-handed and slice

The backhand: two-handed, one-handed and slice

09/05/2012 | Written by: uspta

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The backhand: two-handed, one-handed and slice

This video provides key highlights of three types of backhands: two-handed backhand, one-handed backhand and one-handed slice backhand.


We spend a lot of time working on our forehand game, but what about our backhand? Do you have a one-handed or a two-handed backhand? Is the backhand your weaker shot? Do you spend enough time working on it?

What about the slice? Do you incorporate slice into your backhand game? The slice backhand is not as dominant as it used to be in the past, but is still a very useful and effective tool that adds variety and challenges your opponent.

Check out this week’s tip that gives a short check list of the backhand game, including one-handed, two-handed and the one-handed slice.

Watch more videos on the backhand at Simply type “backhand” into the Quick Search or choose the Advanced Search, which allows you to select different types of backhands. Browse through our variety of drills, video clips, audio seminars, drill templates, articles and other resources.

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