The Orange Court

The Orange Court

07/30/2013 | Written by: uspta

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OC82_01_CJones_Orange_specs-Mobile.mp4-thumb-1The Orange Court

Description: Learn about the specifications of the orange court, including ball type, court dimensions, racquet sizes and competition.


The 10 and Under Tennis program is designed as an easy, fun and healthy way for kids to learn and play tennis. The smaller courts, racquets and lighter balls are sized for age and ability. The 60-foot orange court is the transition from the 36-foot red court to the 78-foot full size court. The orange ball is lighter and bounces lower than the regular yellow ball being designed primarily for children ages 10 and under. The bounce of the orange ball allows kids to hit most balls in their strike zone enhancing the development of proper technique, movement, tactical decision making and all-court play.

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