Tip on the return of serve

Tip on the return of serve

06/28/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Tip on the return of serve

The following video features USPTA Professional Otis Sadler offering a tip that will help you hit a better return.


The return of serve is as important as the serve itself. Since it’s the shot that starts the point out when receiving, it is critical that we are successful at it. Having a high percentage on the return of serve will pay big dividends.

Some key points for this shot include the split step, quick turn of the front shoulder, compact backswing and early contact with the ball. A very common mistake on the return is that the backswing is bigger than necessary and the ball is caught late. The harder the serve, the shorter the backswing. Players must stay alert and move their feet to be able to hit the ball in the strike zone.

Learn more about the return of serve at Simply type the word “return” into the Quick Search field or search in more detail under the Advanced Search by clicking on the “Specific shots” and choosing from Forehand or Backhand categories. The search will bring up a wide number of videos related to the topic. Each of these clips features some of the world’s top teaching professionals offering their tips. Learn more!

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