Topspin serves

Topspin serves

11/02/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Topspin serves

The video features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci talking about how to put more spin on your serve. Check out his drill now!


This week’s tip features USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci giving advice on how to get more topspin on the serve. He suggests going out on the court with a bucket of balls to hit serves and focusing on how high over the net you are able to hit your serves. He explains that this drill will improve the “up-and-out” hitting action, providing good net clearance and margin of error. Applying more spin on your serves will give you more control and increase the percentage of successful serves.

Improve your topspin serve now! Go out and try this drill in your next practice!

Watch more videos on the serve at Simply type “serve” into the Quick Search field or choose the Advanced Search, click on “specific shots” and then “serve.” Various resources featuring some of world’s best coaches will match your search! Enjoy!

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