Two-handed backhand – Closed stance

Two-handed backhand – Closed stance

07/01/2013 | Written by: uspta

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OC80_07_Closed_stance-Mobile.mp4-thumb-1Two-handed backhand – Closed stance

Description: Here is a video featuring USPTA Professional Mark Bey explaining the situations in which he recommends using a closed stance on the backhand side.


This week we have USPTA Professional Mark Bey talking about the different types of footwork for the two-handed backhand. He explains that when the ball is the middle of the court, the player has time to step into the ball by transferring the weight from the back foot to the front foot using a square stance. Another situation is when the ball is wide and the player does not have the time to step into the ball, and uses an open stance by loading on the outside leg. Last but not least, when the ball is really wide and pulls the player off the court, he may use the closed stance (front foot crosses the body) and a one-handed slice.

Check out the video for demonstration!

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