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Mental - Temperament

access_level: Members Only
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mediatype: Video
by Jim Loehr, Ed.D.

Jim Loehr defines temperament as a mental subcomponent that is […]

Mental - Concentration

access_level: Members Only
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mediatype: Video
by Jim Loehr, Ed.D.

Master Professional Jim Loehr discusses different ways in which a […]

Mental - Goal Setting

access_level: Members Only
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mediatype: Video
by Jim Loehr, Ed.D.

A definition of goal setting is provided in this video […]

Mental - Sportsmanship

access_level: Members Only
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mediatype: Video
by Jim Loehr, Ed.D.

Jim Loehr, USPTA Master Professional, defines the mental subcomponent of […]

Mental - Discipline

access_level: Members Only
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mediatype: Video
by Jim Loehr, Ed.D.

Jim Loehr, Ed.D., explains how the development of discipline helps […]