Your reason for playing tennis

Your reason for playing tennis

03/24/2011 | Written by: uspta
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Your reason for playing tennis

The video features Jim Loehr, Ed.D., addressing the difference between good and bad storytelling and the impact it can have on a player’s life. Loehr also explains what storytelling means to becoming a strong player and person.

Each one of us has stories about our work, our families and relationships, our health, about what we want and what we are capable of achieving. We also have a story about tennis. Our stories represent our goals and shape our lives. As Jim Loehr, Ph.D., author of the “Power of Story” says, “Many of our stories are dysfunctional, in need of serious editing.”

One of the most important stories to get straight in terms of your future as a coach or tennis player involves your reason for being involved in or playing tennis in the first place.

So what is your tennis story?

Ask your players about their reasons for being involved in tennis. Is their main purpose to win trophies, to be professional players and make lots of money? Or is their primary purpose to become a stronger, multifunctional person through tennis and enjoy the process?

Who are your students becoming because of tennis? Are they becoming stronger, more confident, disciplined, positive and focused individuals? Do you and they like what tennis brings out of them?

Skillful storytelling is a powerful tool that can be effectively used to ensure success. When your stories are grounded in truth, they take you where you want to go and help reach your highest potential. The stronger you are as a person, the stronger you are going to be as a tennis player!

The storytelling skills you learn for success in tennis will also drive extraordinary success in life! Watch more videos featuring Jim Loehr at Simply type in his name into the Quick Search field, or if you would like to watch additional related videos by other top tennis professionals, go to the Advanced Search and click on General Performance Components, Mental and a variety of resources should match your search.

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